Monday 11 October 2010

Mock Up of CD Cover

CD Cover For the cover we plan to have a simple design that includes one large cover image of the artist, this will be a close up so the image captures and sustains a connection with the audience. The artists name and the album title will be in the bottom right corner of the cover. This is a traditional design that works well as it effectively mimics what many existing covers look like. Originally we planned to include a range of images to create a collage cover however we believe this will look too much like a student created cover, whereas using one well taken and effective image is simple but looks much more professional.

CD Back Cover and Side Panels For the back cover we plan to have another large image, this will become the background for the rear cover. The tracklist will be placed in a column on the left hand side. Again this is the traditional design that is present on many existing CD covers and works well as it is what is expected as a CD back design. The image we will use will not be distracting and will blend in so that it does not clash with the tracklist and make the design to hectic. The side panels will be black with white writing for the artist and album.

CD Insert Image
Inside the CD case behind the CD is where the insert image is placed. For this we will use a large image of the artist however unlike the cover this will be a long shot so you can see all of the artist as a well as the setting around her. This will reveal more about the style and image of the artist and album. This image will not be too full or busy because it will appear over the top and dominating therefore it would not look professional.

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