*UPDATE* The Props in red are now not being used in the video (15/10/10)
We plan to use the following props within our music video:
- Mannequin - This prop will be used in several sequences- firstly in one of the opening shots where Sophie who will play the singer of the song will lay partly over the mannequin whilst singing into the camera. Another sequence will be where Sophie will move parts of the mannequin and us dressed in black suits in a choreographed routine linking to the fact she wnats to shape her boyfriend. A mannequin will suit the theme and genre of the song and will look particularly good with a black and white colour scheme.
- Microphone - to have the Sophie sing into to create a performance apsect to the video.
- Guitar/Instruments - We may use certain instruments to film a sequence where Sophie is singing with her band behind her, this is common in rock videos and seeing as this is a pop/ rock song it will suit the lyrics and song well. Again it adds a performance element to the song, this is also a common convention of a music video, there are narrative sections combined with sections where the artist is seen singing. We also may use a guitar and film a shot where it looks like it has been smashed however this may prove difficult.
- Motorbike - May be needed if we decide to film a particular scene which involves Sophie getting onto a motorbike, singing and striking poses to link with her alter ego's touch and rock theme.
- Helmet/Leathers - to include with the motorbike sequence for verisimilitude and enhance the tough/ rock theme.
- Glasses/Bottles - to be used for smashing.
- Photo Album- For her to flick through of her memories of her boyfriend- links to narrative
- Other- certain shots will be filmed in a house for the 'normal' version of the singer, so we may place other undecided props in the scene to create realism and add to the mise-en scene.
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